Our mission is to unlock the power of sharing space, resources, and support in times of need.
For over 8 years, Airbnb helped people in times of crisis through the Open Homes initiative. Airbnb.org is the next chapter. We’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with our own mission and board of directors.

How we got started.


The idea came from a host

New York City was hit by Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst hurricanes in history. Shell, an Airbnb host in Brooklyn, contacted Airbnb and asked if she could offer her place for free to people who had to evacuate. The Airbnb team worked long hours to quickly make this available to evacuees, and soon over 1,000 hosts opened their homes to those in need.

A woman with curly hair stands in a kitchen. She’s grinning and wearing a brightly colored apron.
An aerial view of houses damaged after Hurricane Sandy

Airbnb makes it possible for more hosts to lend a hand

Airbnb launches a disaster response tool that lets Hosts around the world offer their homes for free during disasters.

April – May

Hosts around the world open their doors to relief workers

Airbnb activates for the Nepal earthquake and hosts welcome their first group of relief workers, with volunteers from All Hands and Hearts.

May – September

Airbnb works with nonprofits to understand how to offer help

Partnerships are created with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help distribute emergency preparedness resources to hosts and guests. In Greece and the Balkans, Airbnb starts working with Mercy Corps and the International Rescue Committee to provide housing for relief workers on the front lines of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Airbnb also starts offering housing grants to 15+ organizations who need housing for their clients or staff, including Service Year Alliance, Make-a-Wish, and Summer Search.


The host community responds to the Pulse nightclub shooting

At the request of the local government, Airbnb, Uber, and JetBlue joined forces to provide housing, flights, and ground transportation for families flying in for funerals or visiting loved ones in the hospital. This was the first time the host community had offered to host people affected by a mass shooting.


The White House launches a Call to Action for Private Sector Engagement on the Global Refugee Crisis. Airbnb answers. Airbnb’s co-founder Joe Gebbia was one of 20 executives invited by President Obama to make commitments to the refugee crisis.


Airbnb partners with Make-a-Wish with the goal of housing one wish family a day in 2017.


Airbnb makes a commitment to the International Rescue Committee

In response to the US executive order halting all refugee admissions and temporarily barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries, Airbnb commits to housing those impacted by the ban. In response, Airbnb also pledges to contribute $4 million over the course of 4 years to the International Rescue Committee to support the housing needs of people who’ve been displaced.


Airbnb officially launches Open Homes

On World Refugee Day, Airbnb announces it will double down on its housing efforts with Open Homes. The program has enabled the host community to offer their homes for free to people impacted by disasters or fleeing conflict.

August – September

The community helps over 20,000 people to date

The Open Homes community responds to 4 disasters simultaneously. Hurricane Harvey becomes the host community’s largest activation. In just one month, hosts help over 2,000 people who had evacuated across 3 states. At the same time, hosts opened their homes to those affected by Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Maria, and the Mexico City earthquake.


Airbnb announces a medical stays initiative

At the Biden Cancer Summit, Airbnb announces a medical stays initiative in partnership with Hospitality Homes, Fisher House, and Make-A-Wish. Through it, the Open Homes community would provide free places to stay to those traveling long-distances for medical treatment.


Hosts respond to two separate wildfires in California

After the Camp and Woolsey Fires in California, over 2,500 hosts opened their doors, and over 2,300 people found a place to stay.


Airbnb builds a way for hosts to donate to support Open Homes

Hosts wanted more ways to participate in Open Homes. In response, Airbnb announces a donations platform that lets hosts donate a percentage of their earnings to Open Homes nonprofit partners to help fund stays for those who need them.


Hosts offer shelter to over 1,000 people impacted by the Australia bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria. This marks the biggest international Open Homes activation to date.


The host community responds to the COVID-19 pandemic

Airbnb announces a way for hosts to provide housing for healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines of the pandemic.


Airbnb expands its donation platform, so anyone can make a donation to nonprofits that help frontline workers find a place to stay.


Airbnb announces Airbnb.org

Airbnb establishes Airbnb.org, and celebrates all the meaningful work done by hosts and partners through Open Homes. As an independent nonprofit, Airbnb.org will focus on helping people share housing and resources with each other in times of crisis.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion is front and center

To help create a world rooted in belonging, Airbnb.org publicly announces a series of commitments to deliver impact for diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Airbnb.org provides a powerful welcome to Afghan refugees

Airbnb.org commits to providing temporary housing to 20,000 Afghan refugees worldwide. Funding comes from major donors as well as from Airbnb. Airbnb.org closely collaborates with resettlement agencies and partners to respond to the quickly evolving situation.


Airbnb.org reaches a major milestone of housing 100,000 guests

In 2017, the team that would become Airbnb.org made an audacious goal of providing short-term housing to 100,000 guests in times of crisis. By December 2021, Airbnb.org exceeds the goal.


20,000 Afghan refugees receive free, temporary housing

Six months after announcing its commitment to offer free, temporary housing to Afghan newcomers, Airbnb.org meets its goal of providing stays to 20,000 refugees. Thanks to the generosity of Hosts who step up to share their homes for free or at a discounted rate, Airbnb.org is able to provide housing to another 1,300 Afghan newcomers.

Airbnb.org helps 100,000 people fleeing Ukraine find places to stay

After Russia invades Ukraine in February 2022, more than 6 million people flee the country. That month, Airbnb.org commits to finding temporary housing for 100,000 of them, and more than 40 organizations join us in this effort. Thanks to a global outpouring of support from Hosts and donors, Airbnb.org meets its goal in six months and remains dedicated to finding stays for people fleeing Ukraine.
A man in a blue shirt holds a coffee mug as he stands at his balcony looking at the horizon.
A man in a blue shirt kneels next to a bicycle, opening a U-shaped lock.

Airbnb.org responds to earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

After two magnitude 7+ earthquakes strike Türkiye and Syria, Airbnb.org connects more than 1,600 survivors with free places to stay, including relief workers and first responders who lost their own homes, and Syrian refugees who had settled in southern Türkiye after fleeing war in their own country.
Two people sit on a couch, leaning into each other. Sunlight filters through sheer curtains behind them.
A man, woman, and child read together on a couch. The child eats an orange vegetable while looking up at the woman.

Airbnb.org announces new Sponsorship Initiative

Airbnb.org establishes a $2 million USD Sponsorship Initiative to support refugees and asylum seekers resettling in the US.

More than 1,800 people impacted by the Maui fires find emergency stays

After wildfires decimate Lahaina and parts of Maui’s Upcountry region, Airbnb.org collaborates with trusted organizations and the State of Hawai’i Department of Human Services to connect more than 1,800 people with free emergency stays.
People form a circle holding hands while standing on a beach in front of the water.
A smiling woman dances hula under string lights. A family sits behind her at a picnic table eating dinner.

Meet our board.

Jennifer Bond

‘Airbnb has proven the power of connecting people and welcoming strangers. Airbnb.org aims to use that power to change lives and transform our world. It is a privilege to be a part of that journey.’

Jay Carney

‘Airbnb.org is a powerful example of how technology can be a force for good. I’m honored to be part of Airbnb.org’s efforts to support communities in times of crisis by providing people free, temporary housing as they rebuild their lives.’

Joe Gebbia

‘I’m inspired by what began with a message from a host, and became a movement of 100,000 people offering their homes to their community. In these times of crisis, this work is more important than ever.’

Sharyanne McSwain

‘Housing is one of the most basic human needs and through their program the Airbnb.org team provides housing during those moments of the greatest need.’

Catherine Powell

‘Working closely with its partners and Hosts, Airbnb.org has seen its impact dramatically increase and has recently carried out some of its largest responses to date. I am honored to deepen my involvement with Airbnb.org as a Board Member.’

Rich Serino

‘I have seen first hand the need for short-term housing after a disaster or crisis, and Airbnb.org has and will continue to save and change lives by assisting with short-term housing.’

Jocelyn Wyatt

‘I was excited to join the Board of Airbnb.org because of the significant impact I believe we can have by providing housing and resources to those in need.’

How we work.

Partnering with nonprofits

Airbnb.org gives grants to nonprofits that connect people to temporary housing, resources, and specialized support in times of crisis. We also provide access to free and discounted housing offered by the Airbnb host community.

Investing in equity

We believe in using our power and resources to contribute to a more just world. Airbnb.org invests in organizations with strategies and programs that are aligned with our commitment to advancing equity in communities.

Understanding our impact

We aim to map the impact of our funding and housing program to improving psychosocial wellbeing, alleviating financial burden, and strengthening community and belonging for guests.

Partnerships and grants

Airbnb.org is not accepting requests for funding at this time. We’ll share information about our upcoming grant cycle directly with eligible nonprofits.

How we work with Airbnb, Inc.

Airbnb.org is an independent and publicly-supported 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Airbnb.org leverages Airbnb, Inc.’s technology, services, and other resources at no charge to carry out Airbnb.org’s charitable purpose. Airbnb.org is a separate and independent entity from Airbnb, Inc. Airbnb, Inc. does not charge service fees for Airbnb.org supported stays on its platform.

The Open Homes program was created by Airbnb, and inspired by the generosity of Airbnb hosts, as a way to help people in need find temporary accommodations. The Open Homes program is currently being transitioned to Airbnb.org, and Airbnb.org will build upon the efforts of the program, consistent with Airbnb.org’s charitable purpose and mission.